How to buy $HONEY?
The currency of Fancy Bears Metaverse
Get it on Uniswap
Honey was listed on Uniswap on 08.04.2022 and you can get it in a few simple steps:
Install MetaMask
Go to MetaMask and download and install (in Chrome or FireFox).
You’ll see the MetaMask fox icon next to your address bar. Click the icon and MetaMask will open up.
Create a New password. Then, write down the Secret Backup Phrase in a safe place. MetaMask will create a new Ethereum address for you.
Send $ETH to your Metamask wallet
Copy your Metamask wallet address. You can find it at the top middle of Metamask window, when you move your mouse over it you will see “Copy to clipboard” and you just click the mouse left button and it’s copied.
Buy some Ethereum in your favorite exchange (Coinbase, Binance, Kucoin, etc) and send the $ETH to this address.
In your exchange, find the Withdraw option. Select Ethereum. They ask where do you want to send it. Paste there the Metamask address.
Tip: Every time you copy and paste an Ethereum address, remember and check that the first 2 digits and last 2 digits are correct! Note that you need to be on Ethereum Mainnet!
3. Buy On Uniswap
Now you have some ETH in your Metamask wallet and are ready to buy!
Go to Uniswap. Choose ETH up and click Select a token down.
Copy and paste contract address: 0x33B4fE5e40E4903A0849cA97B3292eac3EB0aA36
Import $HONEY token
Select the amount of $ETH you want to spend and you will see the amount of $HONEY you will receive. Click Swap.
Metamask will open a new window and ask you for confirmation. Confirm. Then wait until the transaction is completed! Be patient, sometimes it takes a few minutes.
If everything is correct, you will see all the $HONEY you bought in the bottom Balance.
Set your slippage tolerance Click options in the upper right corner and set your slippage tolerance between 7%-10%
See you in the Metaverse, Jakub Chmielniak, CEO & Co-Founder of Fanadise/FBM, Instagram, Twitter
Last updated